The Secret Writing Habits that Make Content Writers Successful

Elias Haider
9 min readNov 29, 2023


In the world of content creation and copywriting, some writers excel while others struggle to see their careers take off. The most successful content writers have developed key habits and workflows that set them apart from the pack. These effective practices lead the top writers to regularly create engaging, high-performing content that builds brands and drives business growth.

Writing Habits for Successful Writer
Writing Habits for Successful Writer

For those aspiring or already in the content creation field, unlocking the secrets of these top writers’ successes could be the key to leveling up their own skills. There are particular consistent writing rituals, content preparation strategies, essential steps in the writing process, and perfectionist detailing that prolific, talented writers rely on.

This article will discuss core habits practiced among famous blog writers, experienced copywriters, talented freelance article and web content creators, as well as six and seven figure digital entrepreneurs who write their own high-converting content. By exploring their common writing workflows, planning techniques, and optimized practices, we can uncover what sets these successful writers apart. Any writer who is looking to improve their process, organization, content quality, writing speed or overall skill can benefit greatly from applying the consistent approaches of those already excelling in the arena of written content creation.

Implementing the routines of top bloggers, freelancers, marketers and online entrepreneurs into your own writing workflows could be the missing habit that takes your skills and success to the next level. Let’s explore the key details of how professional writers structure their days, prepare to write, research, draft content, and perfect every piece they produce. Here are the secret writing habits that make content writers successful both creatively and financially.

They Set Aside Consistent Writing Times

The most prolific and successful writers know that finding the time to write each day is crucial. They actively block off chunks of time dedicated solely to writing — often scheduling them each morning before tackling any other responsibilities. They zealously protect this precious writing time by removing all possible distractions.

They Set Aside Consistent Writing Times
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Phones and notifications are turned off, email and Slack are closed, no meetings are booked, and their physical spaces are quiet and free of interruptions. Many writers choose to hole up in home offices, head to cafes, or even temporarily escape to an Airbnb so they have total solitude to think and write. They tell family, friends and colleagues not to disturb them during these set periods each day.

Once in this distraction-free writing zone, top writers approach the session intentionally. They establish daily word count goals tied directly to either project needs or income targets. Then they diligently write rather than waiting for inspiration to strike — churning out draft copy through focused effort. Maintaining this daily habit focused on hitting writing goals is vital to long-term success.

Over time, keeping a consistent schedule trains writers to enter writing flow states faster. Their skills improve through mileage accrued, letting creativity and pace snowball. Their writing speed naturally accelerates. And showing up to put in regular writing hours establishes positive momentum where content gets finished faster. Ultimately consistent output leads to growing email lists, satisfied clients demanding more content, and steadily climbing writing income.

The bare truth is successful content writers commit to writing daily because published pieces directly translate to money in their bank account. By isolating distraction-free writing time every single day to make consistent progress towards output goals, top writers build habits that yield excellent workflow and reliable incomes over months and years.

They Plan Content Carefully

The most prolific writers don’t just sit down and start typing out content on the fly. They’ve learned content turns out better when they carefully plan pieces in advance. Before drafting articles, email newsletters or social posts — they invest time upfront thinking strategically about the content they intend to publish.

They Plan Content Carefully
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

These writers start by brainstorming lists of probable keywords and subtopics that align with their brand’s focus and audience interests. They research related articles already ranking well and reader questions needing answers. Then they outline rough content ideas centered on providing value, educating readers, or addressing target customer pain points.

When an article or content series concept emerges, preparing an outline is the next vital step. Organizing content into logical structured sections before drafting any complete sentences ensures the final piece flows smoothly. These writers clinically break down each content asset into an introduction, numbered sections for key points, data and example subsections within those sections, and a conclusion.

This outline accounts for every section the article will contain in the optimal order. It becomes the skeleton that later draft writing will flesh out. Having the bare bones view of full piece first provides crucial direction — so when it’s time to draft paragraphs there’s no question around what needs to be written in each section. It also allows estimating total length to gauge how long writing will take.

Thorough planning empowers writers to efficiently focus energy only on drafting brilliant content versus constantly deciding what to say next. And consulting analytics to target buyer keywords when mapping content ensures what gets written will actually attract and engage the intended audience. The top content writers build off outlines tailored to reader intent rather than hoping writing without an organized plan will somehow resonate. In this way careful strategizing ahead ultimately leads to focused, effective writing.

They Make Outlines for Each Piece

The best writers leverage the power of outlining to accelerate and strengthen their writing workflow. Before diving into drafting posts, articles or email newsletters — they first create an in-depth outline structuring how the piece will come together.

They Make Outlines for Each Piece
Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

These writers have learned that spending time mapping content in an outline stage pays dividends in saved effort down the road. Outlines allow visually organizing sections, sequencing ideas logically, and ensuring the flow makes sense before sentences get written. They also help include relevant data points, statistics, expert quotes, references, and examples in appropriate areas rather than forgetting key pieces.

Effective outlines break content down into an introduction, main points in the body, and conclusion at minimum. But great outlines go deeper — scoping main headings, sub-headings, backlink opportunities, related data points, image insertion spots, potential quotes, and actual fully written sentences when inspiration strikes.

Approaching outlines systematically and thoroughly leaves no question around what paragraphs need written under each section later. This clarity translates to much faster writing speeds. When writers finally sit down to draft full content from the outline, the mental heavy lifting has already been done. Expanding outlines into full readable drafts becomes simple. Writers can churn out hundreds or thousands of words rapidly from a detailed outline.

Taking the time up front to carefully plot out pieces in outline form pays dividends for successful writers. The writing itself becomes easier and moves faster. Content ends up more cohesive and organized. Outlines shortcut much of the effort so excellent finished drafts flow with ease. This strategy makes writing for a living more profitable and sustainable long-term by removing roadblocks in the process.

They Research Extensively Upfront

The best writers don’t just rely on assumptions or weak Google searches when creating content. They deeply research subjects upfront to craft authoritative, insightful content that builds credibility.

Photo by Windows on Unsplash

These writers dive into investigating target topics, keywords, and angles weeks before drafting begins. They consult scientific studies, readings by experts in the field, data sources like Statista, listen to podcasts from thought leaders on emerging ideas, monitor relevant sub-Reddits, and connect 1-on-1 with niche authorities.

This immersive research approach serves two key purposes. First, it arms writers with expertise on subjects they cover — allowing them to write convincingly for almost any audience. Second, research reveals the absolute best supporting facts, stories, data points, and examples to weave into content later. Writers uncover golden nuggets during research to grab reader attention and back key assertions.

While straight writing requires some effort, great writing with intriguing details comes easier when fueled by extensive research beforehand. Writers who put in the work learn reader pain points, current events affecting them, and terminology specific to the target audience. Content created from a solid research foundation stands out as more engrossing and educational.

Additionally, well researched articles come across significantly more authoritative, trustworthy and higher in quality. Readers notice content supported by certified experts and hard evidence versus mere opinions. Google’s search algorithms also detect thoroughly researched pieces, leading to better rankings. Putting in research grind time pays dividends for writers in engaged readers, expert credibility, and increased organic traffic.

They Proofread Meticulously

The best writers understand even the most brilliantly crafted content needs to eliminate grammatical errors and typos before going live. While great writing does take innate skill, these writers know precision proofreading is equally vital. They build in time to thoroughly polish drafts, or leverage professional editing services to ensure published pieces are flawless.


These writers comb through full article drafts multiple times searching for issues around sentence structure, tone, formatting inconsistencies and punctuation. They heavily scrutinize all spelling double checking for any type of error their spell check may have missed. They read drafts slowly word-for-word and line-by-line to leave no question around catching every last mistake.

Some writers even take the obsessive attention to detail a step further — reading pieces backwards to identify typos their brains may filter out skimming forwards. Other writers lean on multiple rounds of editing swaps with writer colleagues to bring in a set of fresh eyes. The top content creators build in whatever time and process necessary to publish only meticulously proofed writing.

This level of perfectionism comes with good reason. Published writing littered with amateur errors undermines credibility fast with readers regardless of how insightful the core message proves. Carelessly dashed off content gets mentally dismissed as low quality and untrustworthy. So the effort proofreading pays huge dividends in how writing gets received. It also builds a personal brand identity as an authority worth paying attention to.

In online content, first impressions become lasting ones quickly. The best writers recognize that meticulous proofing gives their work an instant polished gleam that makes positive impressions from sentence one. The time invested translates directly into winning lifelong fans and advocates. So for committed writers focused on building an audience that hangs on ever word they write — obsessive proofreading is simply non-negotiable.

Final Verdict for Successful Writing Habits

Becoming an exceptional writer who consistently cranks out high quality, high performing content is within anyone’s grasp if they implement the right habits. The most prolific and financially successful writers in the world rely on very specific routines that set them up for long-term greatness.

By dedicating time daily to writing, thoroughly planning content strategies, outlining pieces before drafting, researching subjects extensively, and meticulously proofreading — any writer can transform their skills and outcomes. These behaviors enable creating better content faster, developing uniquely informed perspectives, building engaged audiences, and seeing writing income climb.

The writers who earn six and seven figures from their work and influence millions with their content do not have any special inherent wordsmithing talents. They have simply mastered workflows through habits that streamline ideating, researching and creating content that resonates. They also have systems supporting non-stop creation.

The agency they have over their income comes primarily from consistency in their habits. Implementing similar routines, strategies and systems could unlock game changing momentum for any writer no matter their current skill level. So explore which habits might produce the biggest gains based on current challenges.

Test adding daily word count goals, more extensive outlining, deeper research into target reader needs, or more proofreading rounds. Over time these habits compound to drive exponential growth in writing abilities and business success indicators. By matching the level of effort top writers expend behind the scenes, the quality benchmarks they reach become equally attainable.



Elias Haider

Hi! This is Elias Haider, Certified SEO & Digital Marketing Specialist (Google & Hubspot). Love to travel and Writing. Know More: