Google Bard is Killing ChatGPT Day by Day Believe or Not!

Elias Haider
6 min readSep 16, 2023


Google Bard is quickly becoming the most powerful and versatile chatbot on the market. It is able to generate human-quality text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way. ChatGPT is another popular chatbot, but it is not as advanced as Bard. It is less able to generate human-quality text and translate languages, and it is not as informative.

bard vs chatgpt
Bard VS ChatGPT

What are Chatbots?

Chatbots are computer programs that can simulate conversation with humans. They are often used in customer service applications, but they can also be used for entertainment, education, and other purposes. Chatbots can be text-based or voice-based, and they can be accessed through websites, messaging apps, and other platforms.

What is Google Bard?

Google Bard is a large language model chatbot developed by Google AI. It is trained on a massive dataset of text and code, and it can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way.

Google Bard
Photo by Mojahid Mottakin on Unsplash

Bard is still under development, but it has learned to perform many kinds of tasks, including:

  • Following instructions and completing requests thoughtfully.
  • Using its knowledge to answer questions in a comprehensive and informative way, even if they are open ended, challenging, or strange.
  • Generating different creative text formats of text content, like poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, email, letters, etc.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a large language model chatbot developed by OpenAI. It is also trained on a massive dataset of text and code, and it can perform many of the same tasks as Bard. However, Bard is more advanced in some areas, such as its ability to generate human-quality text and translate languages.

Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash

Why is Google Bard better than ChatGPT?

There are a few key reasons why Google Bard is better than ChatGPT:

  • Bard is trained on a larger and more diverse dataset of text and code. This means that Bard has a better understanding of the world and can generate more accurate and informative responses.
  • Bard has access to real-time information from the internet. This means that Bard can provide up-to-date information on a wider range of topics.
  • Bard has a more user-friendly interface. Bard allows users to edit their questions after they ask them and view multiple responses.

In addition to these key advantages, Bard is also better at generating creative text formats, such as poems, code, scripts, and musical pieces. It is also better at answering questions in a comprehensive and informative way, even if they are open ended, challenging, or strange.

Overall, Google Bard is the better chatbot because it is more advanced, versatile, and user-friendly.

Bard Destroying ChatGPT

Google Bard can generate human-quality text, while ChatGPT cannot

One of the key advantages of Google Bard over ChatGPT is its ability to generate human-quality text. This is because Bard is trained on a larger and more diverse dataset of text and code, which includes a significant amount of human-generated content. This allows Bard to learn the nuances of human language and generate text that is more natural and engaging to read.

In contrast, ChatGPT is trained on a dataset that is less diverse and includes less human-generated content. This means that ChatGPT is less able to generate text that is as natural and engaging as Bard’s text.

Google Bard can translate languages more accurately than ChatGPT

Google Bard is also better at translating languages than ChatGPT. This is because Bard has access to real-time information from the internet, which includes the latest language models and translation tools. This allows Bard to generate translations that are more accurate and up-to-date than ChatGPT’s translations.

In addition, Bard is trained on a larger and more diverse dataset of text and code, which includes a significant amount of translated text. This allows Bard to learn the nuances of different languages and generate translations that are more idiomatic and culturally appropriate.

Google Bard can write different kinds of creative content, while ChatGPT cannot

Google Bard is also better at writing different kinds of creative content than ChatGPT. This is because Bard has a better understanding of the world and can generate more accurate and informative responses. In addition, Bard is better at understanding the nuances of human language and generating text that is more natural and engaging to read.

For example, Bard can write poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, email, letters, etc., while ChatGPT cannot. This is because Bard has a better understanding of the different elements of these creative formats, such as rhyme, rhythm, structure, and tone.

Google Bard can answer your questions in a more informative way than ChatGPT

Finally, Google Bard is better at answering your questions in a more informative way than ChatGPT. This is because Bard has access to real-time information from the internet and can provide up-to-date information on a wider range of topics. In addition, Bard is better at understanding the nuances of human language and generating text that is more comprehensive and easy to understand.

For example, if you ask Bard “What is the capital of France?”, Bard will not only tell you that the capital of France is Paris, but it will also provide you with additional information about Paris, such as its population, history, and culture. In contrast, ChatGPT is more likely to simply tell you that the capital of France is Paris.

Overall, Google Bard is the better chatbot because it is more advanced, versatile, and informative.

End The End — How Google Bard is Killing ChatGPT Day by Day

Google Bard is the better chatbot because it is more advanced and versatile. This means that Bard can perform a wider range of tasks more accurately and informatively than ChatGPT. For example, Bard can generate human-quality text, translate languages more accurately, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in a more comprehensive and informative way.

ChatGPT is still a good chatbot, but it is not as good as Bard. ChatGPT is better at some tasks, such as generating code and scripts. However, Bard is better at most tasks, including generating text, translating languages, and answering questions.

Here are some specific examples of how Google Bard is better than ChatGPT:

  • Bard can generate more natural and engaging text, even for complex topics.
  • Bard can translate languages more accurately, even for technical and specialized text.
  • Bard can write more creative and original content, such as poems, code, scripts, and musical pieces.
  • Bard can answer your questions more comprehensively and informatively, even if they are open ended, challenging, or strange.

Overall, Google Bard is the better chatbot because it is more advanced, versatile, and informative.

In addition to the above, here are some other ways that Google Bard is killing ChatGPT day by day:

  • Google Bard is open source, which means that anyone can contribute to its development. This is leading to new and innovative features being added to Bard on a regular basis.
  • Google Bard is being used by a wide range of companies and organizations, which is providing it with more data to learn from. This is leading to Bard becoming more accurate and informative over time.
  • Google Bard is being actively marketed and promoted by Google. This is raising awareness of Bard and making it more accessible to users.

As a result of these factors, Google Bard is quickly becoming the go-to chatbot for many people. ChatGPT is still a good chatbot, but it is not as good as Bard and is struggling to keep up.

It is likely that Google Bard will continue to kill ChatGPT day by day, as it continues to develop and improve.



Elias Haider

Hi! This is Elias Haider, Certified SEO & Digital Marketing Specialist (Google & Hubspot). Love to travel and Writing. Know More: